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Your Ventana Ranch Elementary PTA would like to welcome you to join us this year as we endeavor to increase communication and make a positive impact on our school community.

PTA is dedicated to empowering parents to make a difference in the education, health, and safety of our children. We do this through curriculum nights, coordinating with our teachers to help meet their classroom needs, providing healthful snacks during testing, and much more.

PTA isn’t simply here to provide fun activities or conduct fundraising, although that is part of our job here. It is our goal to be the intermediary between teachers, students, administration, and the community and give voice to the concerns and ideas of each.

Every individual who joins PTA helps not only his or her child but every child. Imagine how strong our community could be if every parent, every community member, and every business leader got involved in PTA! We would love to have you join us as a member today!

Attached on this page are pertinent publications that we intend to update periodically as needed to keep you informed. Here you can find our membership form, which you can print, fill out, and turn in with your dues check either at the front office or in an envelope to your child’s teacher. Be sure to check back periodically for our most recent newsletter, calendars, and activity information!

For further information, or with comments, questions, or suggestions, please email us at We look forward to hearing from you!