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Contact Administration or Health Office regarding COVID positive cases.

Please visit our Google Site for the most current information.

Our health room has a full-time nurse and a full- time health assistant. Should your child be injured or become ill, he/she will be sent to the health room. It is EXTREMELY important that parents keep all home, work and emergency contact numbers updated by using ParentVue or emailing the school's clerk when changes occur.

Vision and hearing screenings are done on all kindergarten and 3rd graders, vision screenings are also done on 1st graders.

The nurse or the health assistant can administer medications at school if a doctor completes the "Medication Authorization Form" for prescription medications. Over-the-counter (OTC's) can be given for up to 10 days if the parent signs the OTC form. Asthma inhalers and other emergency medications have special forms that need to be filled out by the doctor. Please do not send any medications to school with your child unless these forms are filled out.

Illness and Injury

In case of illness or injury, the health room staff will contact you by phone. In the case of emergency illness or injury, 911 will be called as assessed by the school nurse and another staff member will contact the parent.

Please remember that if a child is ill/injured all contact to the parent should be through the health room and not by calls from the classroom. The nurse and health room staff will notify a parent/guardian and a decision will be made regarding whether or not a child may stay at school. Please help us by respecting decisions made by parents, nurse(s), and health assistants.



Contact Information

Michelle Adler, Nurse's Assistant
505-890-7375 ext. 42639

Sandra Vigil, Nurse
505-890-7375 ext. 42642

Health Office Hours

8:05 am - 3:05 pm

healthy children learn better school nurses make it happen